Home / Product / Normal Polyolefin Shrink Film / X5 Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film

X5 Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film Manufacturers

Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material Co., Ltd.

Established in 2001, Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material Co., Ltd. is an integrated manufacturing company that combines scientific research, design, production, sales and after sales service in all that we do. We are a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, design, and manufacturing of POF Shrink Film and overall packaging solution. OEM/ODM X5 Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film Manufacturers and Custom X5 Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film Company in China.

Zhejiang Zhongcheng has always been committed to the independent research and development of high-precision and cutting-edge equipment, advanced production processes, and high-end and high value-added products in the industry. Through self-made core equipment and continuous innovation, it has successfully developed and manufactured multiple POF heat shrink film production lines with world advanced technology levels, and continues to research and develop new polyolefin shrink films and other high value-added film products. We sell Zhongcheng products in over 60 countries, OEM/ODM Custom X5 Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film. Our commitment to quality, efficient manufacturing, and service provides real value to our customers.
Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material Co., Ltd.
Certificate Of Honor
  • FSSC 22000 Certification
  • BRCGS Certification
  • ISO9001
  • ISO14001
  • ISO45001
  • SC GRS Certificate
  • Torch Program 2006-Crosslinking Film
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What are the key features and properties of Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film that distinguish it from other types of shrink film?

Low Shrink Initiation Temperature: One of the primary features of Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film is its ability to shrink at lower temperatures compared to standard shrink films. This low shrink initiation temperature allows the film to shrink efficiently around products without requiring excessive heat, making it suitable for heat-sensitive or delicate items.
Hot-Slip Additive: Hot-Slip Shrink Film contains a specialized slip additive that reduces the coefficient of friction between film layers and packaging equipment. This additive improves machinability and handling during the packaging process, preventing issues such as film sticking or jamming in high-speed packaging operations.
Exceptional Clarity: Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film typically offers excellent optical clarity, providing clear visibility of the packaged product. The film's high transparency enhances product presentation and shelf appeal, allowing consumers to see the contents inside the package and making printed graphics or labels more visible.
Superior Seal Strength: Despite its low shrink initiation temperature, Hot-Slip Shrink Film maintains strong and reliable seals around the packaged product. The film's excellent seal strength ensures that the package remains securely wrapped and protected from tampering or damage during handling, transportation, and storage.
Energy Efficiency: Due to its low shrink initiation temperature, Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film requires less energy to shrink compared to conventional shrink films. This energy efficiency not only reduces operating costs but also minimizes heat exposure to sensitive products, preserving their quality and integrity.
Versatility: Hot-Slip Shrink Film is suitable for a wide range of packaging applications across various industries. Its compatibility with heat-sensitive or delicate products makes it ideal for packaging items such as food products, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and printed materials.
Environmental Friendliness: Some variants of Hot-Slip Low Temperature Shrink Film are manufactured using environmentally friendly materials and processes. These films may be recyclable or biodegradable, contributing to sustainability initiatives and reducing environmental impact.
Ease of Use: Hot-Slip Shrink Film is designed for ease of use and compatibility with different types of packaging machinery, including L-bar sealers, side sealers, and shrink tunnels. Its low shrink initiation temperature and hot-slip properties ensure smooth processing and consistent performance on high-speed packaging lines.

How does the low shrink initiation temperature of Hot-Slip Shrink Film contribute to energy savings and operational efficiency in packaging?

Reduced Energy Consumption: Hot-Slip Shrink Film requires less energy to initiate the shrinkage process compared to standard shrink films. The film begins to shrink at lower temperatures, reducing the amount of heat needed from the shrink tunnel or heat sealer to achieve the desired packaging outcome. As a result, less energy is consumed during the packaging process, leading to lower operating costs and improved energy efficiency.
Faster Heat Recovery Time: With a lower shrink initiation temperature, Hot-Slip Shrink Film allows packaging equipment such as shrink tunnels to reach the required operating temperature more quickly. This faster heat recovery time reduces startup time and downtime between packaging runs, maximizing the productivity and throughput of the packaging line.
Enhanced Equipment Lifespan: The reduced heat exposure required for Hot-Slip Shrink Film minimizes thermal stress on packaging equipment, such as shrink tunnels and heat sealers. Lower operating temperatures help prolong the lifespan of heating elements, conveyor belts, and other components, reducing maintenance costs and equipment downtime associated with wear and tear.
Improved Productivity: The low shrink initiation temperature of Hot-Slip Shrink Film enables faster packaging cycle times, allowing manufacturers to achieve higher production speeds without compromising packaging quality. This increased productivity results in greater output per unit of time, maximizing overall operational efficiency and throughput on the packaging line.
Heat-Sensitive Product Compatibility: Hot-Slip Shrink Film is well-suited for packaging heat-sensitive or delicate products that may be adversely affected by exposure to high temperatures. By initiating shrinkage at lower temperatures, the film minimizes the risk of heat damage or distortion to sensitive items, preserving their quality and integrity throughout the packaging process.
Consistent Shrink Performance: Despite its low shrink initiation temperature, Hot-Slip Shrink Film maintains consistent shrink performance and seal integrity, ensuring reliable packaging results. The film shrinks uniformly around the product, creating a tight and secure wrap that protects the contents from tampering, contamination, and damage during transit and storage.